How Wikis Influenced Encyclopedias (Week 3)
A Wiki is a publication that can be edited by multiple people and sometimes is guided by its readers. Furthermore, typical Wikis have a broad discussion about the subjects which may be a helpful piece of information for its audience. In the modern world, most people use Wikipedia as a way of understanding the desired subject, especially if they do not want to spend much time researching elsewhere. It is also noteworthy to mention that when we search for some topic or subject on Internet the first webpage that we mainly see is Wikipedia, as well. To broaden this topic, I would like to analyze how Wikis impacted its area which is commonly known as an encyclopedia.
Wikis to Encyclopedias
The encyclopedia is either a book or
multiple books that can assist people in learning a single or many subjects in a
detailed way
these good impacts, Wikis also brought some bad influences on the world of
encyclopedias. One of those negative impacts is that while encyclopedias are
“definitive and authoritative” writings, the same fact cannot be applied to
In conclusion, Wikis have brought
several positive impacts to its sphere, but it also resulted in some bad
influences. Regardless of its bad sides, such as the possibility of false
information people still use it as Wiki requires little or less work to search
for the desired subject.
[1] |
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