Kali Linux vs Ubuntu (Week 13)

            Initially made as a hobby project, later became a popular set of open-source Unix-like operating systems that were based on the Linux kernel. This operating system kernel was developed by a Finnish-American software engineer known as Linus Torvalds. Furthermore, Linus is also the author of the famous version control system called “Git” which is mostly used for organizing the collaborative work among the programmers.

After the release of Linux, several developers started to create new distributions that included the same Linux kernel and different system software and libraries. These distributions included Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Debian, Red Hat Enterprise Linux, OpenSUSE, and others. In addition, the main purpose of creating new distributions was the difference in target groups. For instance, several distributions are specially made for the desktop systems, while other ones are custom-made for server systems and so on [1]. In the following sections, I will focus on two various Linux distributions and find the distinctions between them.

Kali Linux vs Ubuntu

            Kali Linux is a Debian-based Linux distribution that is mostly used for penetration testing. It was customized for digital forensics and financially supported by an American international company known as “Offensive Security” [2]. Additionally, this distribution includes hundreds of tools that are specifically made for cyber security tasks as I previously mentioned. The well-known ones include Nmap, Lynis, Burp Suite, John the Ripper, etc.

            On the other hand, Ubuntu is a Linux-based operating system that is also a member of the Debian family. Ubuntu was developed by a team called “Canonical” which was guided by Mark Shuttleworth [3]. Moreover, Ubuntu is divided into multiple variants that can be used for various situations [4]. These variants are:

  • Ubuntu Server Addition
  • Ubuntu Studio
  • Edubuntu
  •  Kubuntu
  •  Xubuntu
  •  JeOS (just enough OS)
            Now, what are the differences between these two Debian-based distributions? Firstly, when we look at their release dates, Ubuntu was released on 20 October 2004, while Kali Linux was initially released 9 years later on 13 March 2013. Besides, there are also dissimilarities between the target audience of Ubuntu and Kali Linux. Ubuntu was customized for daily, or server use whereas Kali is mostly operated by ethical hackers or researchers who are involved in security-related works. Furthermore, Ubuntu used Gnome-terminal; however, Kali prefers to use qterminal by default [3]. It is also worth mentioning that Ubuntu presents a user-friendly interface that is simpler compared to the one that Kali offers.

            Based on these comparisons, it can be said that the usage of Kali Linux would be a bit harsh for a beginner in Linux. Ubuntu, on the other hand, has a more friendly Graphical User Interface (GUI) that is easier for the newcomers. But if we are talking about hacking, then Kali is your best option. Although you can download multiple hacking tools to Ubuntu, it will not be as good as Kali Linux.


            In conclusion, Kali and Ubuntu are two different distributions of Linux that are solely created for different purposes. At this point, we can not say one is better than the other one because one is focused on security-related matters while the other one is more for daily PC users.



"Difference between Linux distributions," ComputerNetworkingNotes, [Online]. Available: https://www.computernetworkingnotes.com/linux-tutorials/difference-between-linux-distributions.html#:~:text=The%20first%20major%20difference%20between,old%20machines%2C%20and%20so%20on.. [Accessed 11 March 2022].


"Kali Linux," Wikipedia, [Online]. Available: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kali_Linux. [Accessed 11 March 2022].


"Difference Between Ubuntu and Kali Linux," GeeksforGeeks, [Online]. Available: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/difference-between-ubuntu-and-kali-linux/. [Accessed 11 March 2022].


"Kali Linux Vs. Ubuntu," linuxhint, [Online]. Available: https://linuxhint.com/kali-linux-vs-ubuntu/. [Accessed 11 March 2022].




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